


3 rounds

6 squat clean

12 box jump

3 rounds

6 squat clean

12 box jump


Max squat clean

Upper 1pc – 30/25 - 40/30 - 60/40kg

Upper 2pc – 40/30 - 60/40 - 80/55kg


3 rounds

6 power clean

6 wall walks

3 rounds

6 power clean

6 wall walks


Max power clean

Lower Minor – 50/35 - 70/50 - 90/65kg

Lower 2pc – 40/30 - 60/40 - 80/55kg

Lower 1pc – 35/25 - 40/30 - 60/40kg (hang power clean)


3 rounds

6 clean

12 hand release push ups

3 rounds

6 clean

12 hand release push ups


Max clean

Short Stature / Intellectual I – 35/25 - 40/30 - 60/40kg

Intellectual II – 20/15 - 30/25 - 40/30kg (push ups)


3 rounds

6 squat clean 40/30kg

6 wall walks

3 rounds

6 squat clean 60/40kg

6 wall walks


Max squat clean 80/55kg

Sensory – Hand release Push Ups


3 rounds

6 clean

12 hand release push ups

3 rounds

6 clean

12 hand release push ups


Max clean

Minor – 40/30 - 50/35 - 70/45kg

Moderate – 30/20 - 40/30 - 50/35kg

Major – 25/20 - 30/25 - 40/30kg


3 rounds

6 clean

6 u turn

3 rounds

6 clean

6 u turn


Max clean

Seated II – 35/25 - 40/30 - 50/35kg

Seated I Low – 25/15 - 35/25 - 40/30kg

Seated I High – 20/10 - 25/15 - 35/25kg

Seated Quad – 6/3 - 9/6 - 12/9kg (medball lap to shoulder)


Before starting the test, mark the line on the floor to delimit the minimum distance from the wall to the bar (300cm). In the Seated division it is 300cm between the barbell and the box. This safety distance must be maintained throughout the test. Also, mark the lines of the wall walks or show the height of the box according to your category:

  • Lower/Standing Diagnosed/Neuro Minor/Neuro Moderate Male: line 1 at 25 centimeters, line 2 at 152 centimeters from the wall.
  • Lower/Standing Diagnosed/Neuro Minor/ Neuro Moderate Female: line 1 at 25 centimeters, line 2 at 139 centimeters from the wall.
  • Male upper/Seated: box at 60cm.
  • Female upper: box at 50cm.

The test begins with the athlete located between the wall and line 2 of the wall walks. In the Seated division the athlete starts behind the box. After the “3, 2, 1… go”, the athlete will go to the bar and begin the test. Assistance may be received to change the bar or have bars previously loaded with the indicated weights. The final result will be the total repetitions performed in the 16 minutes. The tiebreaker time will be the completion time of the last round of wall walks/box jumps/push ups performed.

  • Before carrying out the test, record all the marked measurements and material used so that it can be seen that the marked standards are met.
  • Videos must be uploaded without cuts and without any type of editing.
  • Make sure a rising clock is visible throughout the recording.
  • Make sure the standards of the movements can be seen in the video.
  • Avoid using videos with fisheye or similar lenses, as they may be rejected.



The bar starts on the floor. “Touch and go” is allowed. No bouncing or dropping the bar and subsequently catching the bar on the bounce will be permitted. Once dropped, the bar should settle on the floor before beginning the next repetition.


A full squat should be performed, where the hip crease passes below the top of the knees (below parallel). Receiving the bar above parallel and then descending below parallel in one fluid motion is permitted, but a power clean followed by a front squat is not permitted.


The repetition is credited when the athlete's hips and knees are fully extended and the bar is resting on the shoulders with the elbows in front of the bar.


The bar starts on the floor (not from the "Hang" position). “Touch and go” is allowed. No bouncing or dropping the bar and subsequently catching the bar on the bounce will be permitted. Once dropped, the bar should settle on the floor before beginning the next repetition.


A complete squat should not be performed, but a reception higher than 90º (above parallel) is required. Receiving the bar below parallel is not allowed, a squat clean is not allowed.


The repetition is credited when the athlete's hips and knees are fully extended and the bar is resting on the shoulders with the elbows in front of the bar.


The barbell starts on the floor. To perform the first repetition you will have to raise the bar with a deadlift, reaching full extension. Afterwards, the movement can be performed from the "Hang" position to the final position. “Touch and go” is allowed as long as the arms reach full extension in the “Hang” position.


A complete squat should not be performed, but a reception greater than 90º (above parallel) is required. Receiving the bar below parallel is not allowed, a squat clean is not allowed.


The repetition is credited when the athlete's hips and knees are fully extended and the bar is resting on the shoulders with the elbows in front of the bar.


The bar starts on the floor. “Touch and go” is allowed. No bouncing or dropping the bar and subsequently catching the bar on the bounce will be permitted. Once dropped, the bar should settle on the floor before beginning the next repetition.


A full squat, where the hip crease passes below the top of the knees (below parallel), can be performed, but is not required. Receiving the bar above parallel and then descending below parallel in a fluid movement is allowed, and a power clean or any other variation that begins in the initial position on the floor and ends in its supposed final position is also allowed.


The repetition is credited when the athlete's hips and knees are fully extended and the bar is resting on the shoulders with the elbows in front of the bar.

Athletes in the Major Neuromuscular category can use a box in the clean to help with balance.


Each repetition begins and ends with the athlete lying down, with the chest, feet, and thighs touching the ground, and both hands in contact with line 2 (it is okay to touch it only with the fingers). Both hands should remain on the tape until both feet are on the wall.


At the top of the movement, both hands must touch line 1 before the athlete can descend. Any part of your hand can touch the tape line.


On the descent, the feet must remain on the wall until both hands are touching line 2. The repetition is credited when the athlete returns to the starting position, with both hands touching the first line and the chest, thighs and feet touching the floor.


Each repetition begins and ends with the athlete lying down, with the chest, feet, and thighs touching the ground, and both hands off the ground.

At the top of the movement, both hands are in contact with the floor, the body positioned in a plank position with the thighs, chest and hips lifted off the floor.

In the descent, we return to the initial position of the movement with the body lying on the ground and the hands off the ground. The repetition is credited when the athlete returns to the starting position.


Each repetition begins and ends with the athlete lying down, with the chest, feet, and thighs touching the ground, and both hands in contact with the ground.

At the top of the movement, both hands are in contact with the floor, the body positioned in a plank position with the thighs, chest and hips lifted off the floor.

In the descent, we return to the initial position of the movement with the body lying on the ground and the hands in contact with it. The repetition is credited when the athlete returns to the starting position.


Each repetition begins with the athlete standing facing their box.

The athlete will perform a box jump, in which he/she takes off from the ground with both feet at the same time. At the top of the movement, once on top of the box, the body reaches full extension, knees and hips.

On the descent, we return to the initial position by going backwards either by jumping or performing a "step down". The repetition is credited in the triple extension above the box. No part of the body other than the feet may come into contact with the box.


Each repetition must begin with the rear axle of the wheelchair behind the marking on the side of the box.


The athlete will proceed to move backwards, making a complete turn, passing the rear axis of the chair again on the marking on the other side of the box.


The repetition is credited when the rear axle of the wheelchair has clearly passed the two indicated markings.


Each repetition must begin with the medball over the athlete's legs. It should be in contact with the thighs.


The athlete will proceed to move the ball upwards, seeking to touch a shoulder, before settling the ball on top of the thighs again.


The repetition is credited when the medball has touched the shoulder and has come into contact with the lap again. It is requiered to change shoulder each rep.