The standards outlined below are a guide for competing in WODCELONA 2025.
Athletes are expected to be able to perform multiple repetitions with the indicated loads and movements.
The organization reserves the right to make changes to skills and weights within reason.
Expected barbell weights (multiple repetitions)
- Snatch – 70, 45kg
- Clean And Jerk – 90, 60kg
Gymnastic Movements (multiple repetitions)
- Chest-to-bar
- Ring & Bar Muscle-ups
- Strict Handstand Push-up
- Handstand Walk
- Pistol
Monostructural (Multiple reps)
- Double Unders
- Rowing
- Run, Swim
Qualification Teams Masculino
- Élite – 1º-40º
- Rx – 41º–80º
Qualification Teams Femenina
- Élite – 1º-20º
- Rx – 21º–60º
*This might change depending on the final number of teams registered.
Barbell (Min. Working Weight)
- Snatch – 45, 30 KG
- Clean And Jerk – 60, 40 KG
Gymnastics (Multiple reps)
- Pull-ups, Toes to Bar
- Push-ups
- Wall Walks
- Air Squats
Monostructural (Multiple reps)
- Single Unders
- Rowing
- Run, Swim
Qualification Teams
- Intermedio – 1º-40º
- Open – 41º–80º
TEEN 13-15
Barbell (Min. Working Weight)
- Snatch – 35, 25 KG
- Clean And Jerk – 50, 35 KG
Gymnastics (Multiple reps)
- Pull-ups, Toes to Bar
- Push-ups
- Wall Walks
- Air Squats
Monostructural (Multiple reps)
- Single Unders
- Rowing
- Run, Swim
Qualification Teens 13-15
- Male – 1º- 5º
- Female – 1º- 5º
TEEN 16-18
Barbell (Min. Working Weight)
- Snatch – 60, 40 KG
- Clean And Jerk – 80, 50 KG
Gymnastics (Multiple reps)
- Pull-ups, Toes to Bar
- Chest to Bar, Bar Muscle Ups
- Strict Handstand Push-ups
- Handstand Walk
Monostructural (Multiple reps)
- Double Unders
- Rowing
- Run, Swim
Qualification Teens 16-18
- Male – 1º-5º
- Female – 1º–5º
Barbell (Min. Working Weight)
- Snatch – 60, 40 KG
- Clean And Jerk – 80, 50 KG
Gymnastics (Multiple reps)
- Pull-ups, Toes to Bar
- Chest to Bar, Bar Muscle Ups
- Strict Handstand Push-ups
- Handstand Walk
Monostructural (Multiple reps)
- Double Unders
- Rowing
- Run, Swim
Qualification Masters +120
- Male – 1º- 20º
- Female – 1º– 20º
The seated category will have sub-divisions, also in the Workout publication.
Note: Athletes must have their own wheelchair to compete in Barcelona.
Athletes must have been diagnosed with significant and permanent disabilities that cause functional limitations and require the person to perform normal daily tasks in a sitting position.
The seated division will be sub-classified into Seated 1 (high and low), Seated 2 and Seated Quad.
Seated 1: Without hip functionality, athletes in this category are not able to move or reset their legs without manual assistance. The majority of injuries will be permanent injuries to the spinal cord, from T-12 to T-1.
Barbell (Min. Working Weight)
- Snatch – 30, 20 KG
- Clean And Press – 40, 25 KG
Gymnastics (Multiple reps)
- Pull-ups
- Chest to Bar
- Rope Climb
- On 2 Wheels
- Wheelie Hold
- Obstacle Wheel
Monostructural (Multiple reps)
- Rowing
- Wheel, Swim
Seated 2: Athletes must have a diagnosis of a permanent and significant impairment that causes functional limitations and forces the person to perform normal daily tasks in a seated position.
Barbell (Min. Working Weight)
- Snatch – 35, 20 KG
- Clean And Press – 45, 30 KG
Gymnastics (Multiple reps)
- Pull-ups
- Chest to Bar
- Ring Muscle Ups
- Rope Climb
- On 2 Wheels
- Wheelie Hold
- Obstacle Wheel
Monostructural (Multiple reps)
- Rowing
- Wheel, Swim
Seated Quad: Athletes do not have mobility of the upper trunk in the transverse plane (rotation). Athletes will have little to no functionality in the sagittal (forward) or frontal (lateral) plane. Athletes have little to no hip mobility. Affectations will also be seen in the hands and/or arms, thus affecting grip, pushing and traction force.
Barbell (Min. Working Weight)
- Snatch – 15, 10 KG
- Clean And Press – 20, 15 KG
Dumbbell and Kettlebell (Min. Working Weight)
- DB – 8, 4 KG
- KB – 10, 8 KG
Gymnastics (Multiple reps)
- Ring Pull-ups (from chair)
- Box U-Turn
- DB Core Twist
Monostructural (Multiple reps)
- Rowing
- Wheel, Swim
Qualification Seated
- Seated 2 – 1º - 10º
- Seated 1 – 1º – 10º
- Seated Quad – 1º - 10º
The Lower division will have the sub-categories Lower 1 Point of contact (above Knee) and 2 points of contact (below Knee), thus clarifying the location of the affectation. There will even be the division of Minor 2 points of contact, referring to a minor limitation.
Athletes in this division must have a diagnosis of significant and permanent impairment or limitations in strength, range of motion and balance in the lower trunk (e.g. legs) including the hip joint.
Lower 1PC
Barbell (Min. Working Weight)
- Hang Snatch – 45, 30 KG
- Hang Clean And Press – 60, 40 KG
Gymnastics (Multiple reps)
- Pull-ups, Toes to Bar
- Chest to Bar
- Rope Climb (Legless = M)
- Bar/Ring Muscle Ups (M)
- Handstand Push Ups
- Handstand Walk (M)
Monostructural (Multiple reps)
- Double Unders (M)
- Rowing
- Run, Swim
Lower 2PC
Barbell (Min. Working Weight)
- Snatch – 65, 40 KG
- Clean And Jerk – 80, 55 KG
Gymnastics (Multiple reps)
- Pull-ups, Toes to Bar
- Chest to Bar
- Rope Climb (Legless = M)
- Bar/Ring Muscle Ups (M)
- Handstand Push Ups
- Handstand Walk (M)
Monostructural (Multiple reps)
- Double Unders (M)
- Rowing
- Run, Swim
Qualification Lower
- Lower Minor – 1º - 5º
- Lower 1pc – 1º – 5º
- Lower 2pc – 1º - 5º
The Upper division will be sub-classified into Upper 1 or 2 points of contact, thus referring to the functionality of one or both limbs.
Athletes in this division must have a diagnosis of a significant and permanent impairment that causes limitations in the strength, range of motion and grip of the upper extremities, including the shoulder joint.
Upper 1PC
Barbell (Min. Working Weight)
- Snatch – 40, 25 KG
- Clean – 50, 35 KG
- Clean and Jerk – 45, 30 KG
Gymnastics (Multiple reps)
- Single Arm Ring Row
- Pistols
- Air Squats
Monostructural (Multiple reps)
- Single Unders
- Rowing
- Run, Swim
Upper 2PC
Barbell (Min. Working Weight)
- Snatch – 60, 40 KG
- Clean – 80, 50 KG
- Clean and Jerk – 65, 45 KG
Gymnastics (Multiple reps)
- Single Arm Ring Row
- Chest to Bar (M)
- Toes to Bar
- Rope Climb
- Pistols (M)
Monostructural (Multiple reps)
- Double Unders (M)
- Rowing
- Run, Swim
Qualification Upper
- Upper 1pc – 1º - 5º
- Upper 2pc – 1º – 5º
Athletes in the sensory category will be sub-classified in visual or auditory impairment, sharing in most cases the same Workouts.
Athletes in this division must have a diagnosis of a significant and permanent impairment of either vision or hearing, thus affecting the performance of normal daily tasks.
Barbell (Min. Working Weight)
- Snatch – 60, 40 KG
- Clean And Jerk – 80, 50 KG
Gymnastics (Multiple reps)
- Pull-ups, Toes to Bar (M+F)
- Chest to Bar (M)
- Rope Climb
- Bar Muscle Ups (M)
Monostructural (Multiple reps)
- Double Unders
- Rowing
- Run, Swim
Qualification Sensory
- Sensory – 1º - 10º
The Neuromuscular division has several sub-divisions, these being Neura Major, Neura Minor and Neura Moderate.
To compete in this category, athletes must have a diagnosis of a significant and permanent impairment that causes functional limitations in movement, especially strength, balance, range of motion and/or coordination due to impairments in muscle control.
Neuro Minor
Barbell (Min. Working Weight)
- Snatch – 50, 35 KG
- Clean And Jerk – 70, 45 KG
Gymnastics (Multiple reps)
- Pull-ups,
- Jumping Pull Ups
- Toes to Bar/Ring
- Rope Climb
Monostructural (Multiple reps)
- Double Unders
- Rowing
- Run, Swim
Neuro Moderate
Barbell (Min. Working Weight)
- Snatch – 40, 30 KG
- Clean And Jerk – 60, 40 KG
Gymnastics (Multiple reps)
- Pull-ups,
- Jumping Pull Ups
- Toes to Bar/Ring
Monostructural (Multiple reps)
- Rowing
- Run, Swim
Neuro Major
Barbell (Min. Working Weight)
- Snatch – 30, 20 KG
- Clean And Jerk – 40, 30 KG
Gymnastics (Multiple reps)
- Push Ups
- Jumping Pull Ups
- Air Squats
Monostructural (Multiple reps)
- Rowing
- Run, Swim
Qualification Neuro
- Minor – 1º - 5º
- Moderate – 1º – 5º
- Major – 1º - 5º
The intellectual division will be sub-classified into Intellectual 1 and 2.
Athletes with intellectual disabilities are eligible through testing related to IQ or a diagnosis of Down syndrome or trisomy 21.
Intellectual 1
ID (in the absence of a chromosomal condition) refers to athletes who have a diagnosed permanent condition that causes limitations in intellectual functioning or adaptive behavior. Additionally, athletes with traumatic brain injury (TBI), fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD), metabolic disorders (PKU), and other conditions along with an intellectual disability would also qualify to compete in this competition class.
Barbell (Min. Working Weight)
- Snatch – 40, 30 KG
- Clean And Press – 50, 35 KG
Gymnastics (Multiple reps)
- Pull-ups
- Box Jumps
- Toes to Bar
Monostructural (Multiple reps)
- Single Unders
- Rowing
- Run, Swim
Intellectual 2
IDCC refers to athletes who have a diagnosed permanent condition that causes limitations in intellectual functioning caused by a chromosomal condition. Differences within generally include hypotonia (posture), coordination, and general muscle control, regulated by the nervous system. Athletes with Down syndrome (trisomy 21), Williams syndrome, Rett syndrome, Angelman syndrome, PWS syndrome, or Fragile X syndrome would qualify to compete in this subcategory.
Barbell (Min. Working Weight)
- Snatch – 40, 30 KG
- Clean And Press – 50, 35 KG
Gymnastics (Multiple reps)
- Ring Row
- Box Step Up
- Knee Raises
- Jumping Jacks
Monostructural (Multiple reps)
- Rowing
- Run, Swim
Qualification Intellectual
- Intellectual 1 – 1º - 5º
- Intellectual 2 – 1º – 5º
The athlete has been diagnosed with a medical condition that could potentially affect power production at work. This diagnosis must be documented and signed by a medical professional to declare the evaluation in their respective specialties. The athlete also presents with secondary and/or tertiary symptoms that may not be measurable when performing work/power production (i.e., hearing loss*, chronic fatigue, heat sensitivity, chronic pain, etc.)
Barbell (Min. Working Weight)
- Snatch – 60, 40 KG
- Clean And Jerk – 80, 50 KG
Gymnastics (Multiple reps)
- Pull-ups
- Chest to Bar (M)
- Toes to Bar/Ring
- Rope Climb
- Bar Muscle Up (M)
Monostructural (Multiple reps)
- Double Unders
- Rowing
- Run, Swim
Qualification Standing Diagnosed
- Male – 1º - 5º
- Female – 1º – 5º
Athletes with short stature. Athletes with dwarfism or variations of it. This affectation has a special impact on the length of the extremities, the mobility of the joints and/or flexibility. Athletes who are short, but do not have any physical disabilities as a result of short stature will NOT be eligible to compete in this division.
Barbell (Min. Working Weight)
- Snatch – 40, 25 KG
- Clean And Jerk – 50, 35 KG
Gymnastics (Multiple reps)
- Pull-ups
- Toes to Bar/Ring
- Rope Climb
Monostructural (Multiple reps)
- Single Unders
- Rowing
- Run, Swim
Qualification Short Stature
- Male – 1º - 5º
- Female – 1º – 5º